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Tips for Helping Seniors Manage Sundowners Syndrome

Writer: newhampshireseniornewhampshiresenior

For loved ones with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia the day gets harder as it gets later. It is during the evening hours things like restlessness and confusion occur. This is “sundowning” or “sundown syndrome.” This type of diagnosis occurs with loved ones who are in the middle to late stages of the disease. New Hampshire home care has listed down some tips that can you’re your loved ones with the symptoms that occur during this time of day.

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Keep your loved one active during this time of day. Something simple like a walk can keep their mind busy and help them to focus. Other things they can do include help you make dinner or sit with you and talk as you make dinner. A good tip is for you to keep a journal of their day and activities so that you can keep track of loved one’s symptoms.

Another tip is to keep a schedule for loved ones. This will help loved ones keep up with a pattern in the day. This will help to reduce sundowning symptoms in the evening. Keeping the day active will also help with restlessness that occurs in the evening. Use things like a walk at the park to help keep loved ones focused, entertained, and active.

There are many things you can do to keep your home safe for your loved one. The first thing to remember is to keep the lights on throughout the home. Keeping the lights lit can help with triggers such as fading lights. This will help to lower the possibility of symptoms in the evening. Also remember to keep the thermostat at a comfortable setting for your loved one. One of the hardest parts of the day for your loved one is during bedtime. Make sure your loved one is comfortable with their surroundings. Keep a nightlight to help them feel more secure.

Some things will cause loved ones to become agitated and unable to sleep. Stimulants like soda, alcohol, coffee, and nicotine change their mood or sleeping patterns.

Try to keep everything around your loved one relatively the same. It is important not to rearrange furniture often. Keep things like pictures or their favorite chair in the same spot. Loved ones also focus on smells. Have an air freshener that has a calming scent like lavender. This will help your loved one stay calm and give them familiarity with the smell.

There are many things that you may not know about your loved one’s diagnosis. This makes it important to communicate with other about the subject. The first person you should be talking with is your loved one’s physician. Bedford respite care suggests that you should also notify family of changes or symptoms that your loved one may experience.

Sundowning is not a symptom that all loved one’s experience. It is something that you should be aware of. This will help you make the correct decisions to help your loved one.

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